Landon Donovan ESPN SportsCenter Ad

Online video Rating: four / five

25 thoughts on “Landon Donovan ESPN SportsCenter Ad”

  1. Ephraim Uchiha says:


  2. Ratsky Artsky says:

    I love that machine O.o

  3. slimsanta says:

    why is he in his soccer gear ha

  4. ItalianRacer7 says:

    Haha same feeling here buddy.

  5. rp1124 says:

    and i love how its soo true 🙂

  6. Dreadlord67 says:


  7. mhogg4 says:


  8. BarrasYLasEstrellas says:

    LMAO!!! Brilliant!!!

  9. Kelly Raeth says:

    best part is the bottomline is taling about the USA world cup team love this is sportcenter

  10. jasonha82 says:

    Wow nutjob, get a life

  11. juanitoperez34 says:

    fuck you

  12. LinJapanese says:

    the first time i saw it, it took me a second… then when it hit… IT REALLY HIT. Brilliant commercial…

  13. hiker510 says:

    hahaha i love that ad, its classic and donovan is so cute 😀

  14. 1907Quarter says:

    yellow card for kicking, red card for arguing!

  15. x10rooney10x says:

    I laughed when the yellow card popped out and even harder when the red one came

  16. jasonha82 says:

    I don’t even like soccer but that’s funny as hell.

  17. LeahSaysHello says:


  18. georgeg1981 says:

    How is this funny. This blows worst than soccer.

  19. brbuck159 says:

    such a classic…love it!

  20. K1nG787 says:

    absolute gold

  21. paco allen says:

    Give your friends a red card with The Beautiful App for iPhone.

  22. joberfeld113 says:

    Great soccer player. Great comercial.

  23. elblancopantera says:

    Ha ha ha tats hella funny

  24. kimbow1953 says:

    Now that there is funny. I don’t care who you are.

  25. al410berry says:

    Purely amazing, whoever thought of this should be put up for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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