Landon Donovan goal vs Algeria called by Andres Cantor

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25 thoughts on “Landon Donovan goal vs Algeria called by Andres Cantor”

  1. jhsampa14 says:

    @N10ess I watched it when Galavision Re played the game and he keeps on going and starts talking about how he loves this country because it is the country of his son. His son was born in USA. I love the passion he has for USA because it Shows that you don’t have to be an american to love USA

  2. N10ess says:

    funny thin is , he is Argentinian and cares this much about US soccer

  3. zava55 says:

    Andres Cantor waited 90+ minutes to say “Gooooooo…..oooooooooool!” Such passion behind this play call. You can hear him almost cry. So much drama and so much at stake. Best goal of WC 2010.

  4. magui310 says:

    Flat out best soccer announcer in the milky way

  5. jmiller376 says:

    young nelson mandela at 0:14

  6. ValdemarDragunov says:

    i was expecting freeza to pop up somewhere

  7. qazwsxasjkl says:

    a) a major reason the drug cartels exist is because the shitty socialistic american government doesnt allow for free trade between countries, forcing the mexicans to kill in order to take control of drug trafficing routes into the country. b.) and the american government isn’t corrupt??? how acbout Rod Blagojevich selling obama’s (the messiah’s) senate seat. fuck you commy!

  8. TheSnoop105 says:

    Que viva la passion para el futbol!

  9. dbeal12 says:

    @FifaWorldPlayer2011 Wanna know the one thing that comes into mind when i hear the word Mexico???? DRUG CARTELS…that’s why your country is shitty because you’re government doesn’t do shit about it a) they’re scared or b) its corrupt

  10. adsbuckeye3 says:

    @THECoolKidsRock26 no, its actually fact. Wanna cry about it some more?

  11. THECoolKidsRock26 says:

    @adsbuckeye3 Was that suppose to be funny or even clever?

  12. adsbuckeye3 says:

    @THECoolKidsRock26 if he’s not spending his time cutting my lawn, he deserves it.

  13. TheKoolvid says:

    @FiFaWorldPlayer2011 Lmfao illegal mexican you guys couldnt even make it to the world cup just because you can only do good in concacaf doesnt mean youre good

  14. THECoolKidsRock26 says:

    @adsbuckeye3 that’s mean…

  15. adsbuckeye3 says:

    @FiFaWorldPlayer2011 i bet you fucking live in the USA too, you illegal immigrant

  16. DameunPutazo says:

    @FiFaWorldPlayer2011 Hey hey. Hasta ke no ganemos 1 puto titulo mundial, mejor calladito paisa. Luego salen los haters a cagar el palo… tranquilo, bro. xD

  17. DameunPutazo says:

    @dcrespo314 Yeah. Funny thing about that is that my dad didn’t do that, he mowed lawns and planted trees on newly built parks. Now he owns his own company, and I can’t wait to move the fuck out of here. Even the education here is a failure.

    American Exceptionalism is a myth that only ignorant people buy into. Mexico sucks, it really does; but the US is only slightly better off (that is if you’re wealthy). Otherwise, you work your ass off to have the same luxuries common Mexicans have every day.

  18. DameunPutazo says:

    Andres Cantor is so fucking badass.

    Great goal as it was; last minute heroics etc. But Cantor makes this shit sound like the 2nd coming of Christ. Such passion!

    Fucking a!!!

  19. dcrespo314 says:

    funny the Argentinan players say the same shit about your guys, American sucks huh??,i guess that doenst stop your people from hoping the boarder every day to come pick fruits and veggies for a living in this sucky Country

  20. FiFaWorldPlayer2011 says:

    The greatest Player only in the USA RMFAO !
    The weakest goal i ever seen.. i tought Donovan was going to take on the whole Algeria defence and strike a badass goal i guess not?
    Just like Americans they cant never seem to finish lol Pathetic.
    USA Sucks! No valen Verga hijos de su puta madre. haha Porque no paren de jugar futbol no sibren paranada pinches gringos que lamban huevos.

    Mexico wins again 🙂

  21. coolpopo says:

    did he score a goal?

  22. guyonutube22 says:

    this commentator has d lungs of a horse

  23. sandra11486 says:

    @norbertorjr I was just about to ask what he said… Thanks.

  24. DarklordZagarna says:

    @iriedogg One of?

  25. iriedogg says:

    One of the greatest moments of the 2010 World Cup

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