Landon Donovan Supports Equal Opportunities For USWNT

Trust names like Landon Donovan to feature in all the right causes and issues related to US Soccer.

Having captained the national team before, Donovan is now a leading figure in different ways, acting as an analyst for sports channels to running charitable football organizations for promoting the sport among the youth in the country.

He recently spoke out in favor of removing wage discrimination for the women’s team. The wage dispute that has arisen with US Soccer and USWNT is shocking for many. Landon has voiced his concerns and states that the women’s team should be treated equally as the men’s team when it comes to providing compensation and other benefits. Usually, compensation is decided as per net revenue proceedings.

Landon is active on Twitter, using it as his means to voice his opinion and to encourage what he thinks is right. He recently applauded the feat of a seventeen year US Soccer player who scored a goal at Bundesliga during a match last Sunday. Donovan with his reputation and the legendary feats he accomplished on the field certainly creates a mark with his comments. For supporting the cause of USWNT he tweeted that the women’s team deserved to be treated equally. He stated that wage issues should be discussed and settled through collective bargaining methods. In another tweet he added that both the men’s and the women’s teams need to be paid as per the revenues they produce. That is a more equitable way of deciding wages and not based on what the other team makes. Members of the women’s team have filed a complaint to the equal employment opportunity forum with regard to wage discrimination that is being done. They have stated that the federation pays higher wages to the men’s team as compared to the national team of women.